Monday, February 24, 2025

Integrating beef cattle more profitably into grain-crop farming

 The national beef herd is the smallest it has been in sixty (60) years.  
The national dairy herd is also the smallest it has been in twenty five (25) years.

Meanwhile we have 50% more people to feed than there were here 60 years ago.

All this means that the current, profitable prices for deacon dairy calves and fed beef cattle are likely to remain for quite awhile—long enough to reinvest in your beef cattle side of your total operation.


Producing any farm commodity at a PROFIT requires us to have a good handle on production costs.    This helps us survive times of lower prices, as grain farmers currently lament.    But it also requires us to think about all possible income streams, and the management of “equity” to produce greater future returns.     While your equity in machinery may slowly be rusting away, the equity in your cow and calf herd has risen.    You can push that up a bit more.


MIch Livestock Service, Inc ***  “For the Best in Bulls”   and   For the Best in forage seeds”
110 N Main St  (PO Box 661)  Ovid,  MI  48866        phone (989) 834- 2661
email:          website:

Monday, February 17, 2025

How long will “high” beef cattle sales prices last?

CONCEPTIONS   Beef cow-calf route newsletter  Nov Dec 2024

Mark Curry           (989) 984- 7027
      Route service and sales/ Ov Synch AI by appointment
Sue Palen              (989) 277- 0480      Office manager/ advance order desk/ products
Greg Palen            (989) 277- 0631      Certified seed specialist/ Refresher AI training

Mich Livestock Service, Inc     “For the Best in Bulls”     “For the Best in forages”
110 N Main St  (PO Box 661)   Ovid,   MI   48866    ***      phone (989) 834- 2661

Featuring sires through “Cattle Visions”           Featuring “Byron Seeds”   Kingfisher & Red Tail

In economics classes we learned that the pricing of “commodities” always falls to the level that clears the market of supply.   In most of agriculture, the industrial model of advice is “More yield solves all financial problems”—which has never worked for us (increased production beyond the quantity the market is prepared to use results in lowering prices to absorb the yield increment).

Thus, the secret to profitable farm commodity production is to become a least cost producer (rather than a maximum yield producer).    This allows you to capture savings when prices are good, to carry you through times when prices are not so good.    (Savings allows you to put up bins to store grain when you don’t like the current price, holding it from the market so as not to force prices lower).    (SAVINGS ALLOWS THE CATTLE PRODUCER TO SELL LOWEST EQUITY VALUE ANIMALS WHEN PRICES ARE LOW, RETAINING GROWTH EQUITY ANIMALS TO A FUTURE HIGHER VALUE.)       Cost control allows you a chance of profit whether prices are up or down.

It  Is  a  perversity  of government “cheap food”  policy ( since FDR’s  Great Depression)  that whenever a  farm  product  reaches  a  profitable  price,  the  ag  media  says  we  have “high” prices – instead  of  being  thankful  that  current  prices  allow  farmers  to  rebuild  equity  and stay in  food  production  for  the 95%  of people  who  do  not  grow  any food  for  themselves!

Will profitable prices continue?    The USA population of beef momma cows is at its lowest level since 1965.    The USA human population is 50% larger today than it was then.    As consumption of beef today “per capita” is nearly as high as it was in 1965, the national dairy herd  (producing deacon bull calves to feedlot and cull cows for hamburger)  has taken up the slack.    This aided the grain markets in propping up corn and soybean prices, given feedlot feeding of “dairy beef” was focused on grain (rather than pasture and hay, the preferred steer feed for critters still on a farm).

Recently, the practice of breeding dairy cows to beef breed sires  (to produce “premium” price deacon calves) is helping the expansion dairies generate non-milk cash flow to pay rising labor bills.    In spite of “sexed” semen, it now appears there is a shortage of dairy replacements.

How  does  dairy  farming  affect  beef  production ?

Anyone who has a dairy farm, whether the industry would admit it or not, was also in the beef business.   A ten million cow dairy population (prior to sexed semen) produced four million bull calves annually, ending up in feedlots.    Prior to 2015, these Deacon bull calves generated $400 million in non-mik income!     As dairy cows turned over after three calvings, you also had three million cows culled annually generating $500 million in non-milk income.  Cull cows and deacon  calves helped finance the large-herd replacement deficits, which was the biggest stimulus to the development of gender-selected semen!   Smaller dairies with better reproduction and herdlife were always the source of surplus cows to keep the expansion dairies in supply;  as they have been forced out, prices for replacements have risen to the $3000 mark, the highest-ever point in the history of modern dairy).   

Value of deacon calves is four times what they used to be;  salvage on culled dairy cows twice what they used to be.    The deacon calf price has influenced 20% of dairy cows to be bred Beef, and with the national dairy herd down to Nine million cows (one million less than it has been for twenty five years!)  you can see how all-time record prices for beef feeding and slaughter cattle have led the dairy breeding industry to acknowledge Beef selection for the first time ever.

Basically, for your operation, smaller national cow herds (both Beef and Dairy) means your cow herd is worth more than ever, and your calf crop worth more than ever before.   Reproduction is the key to converting this value into farm income.

NOTE to PUREBRED and SHOW BREEDERS:   when commercial (commodity) cattle prices go up, the cost of quality replacements to improve your herd become more reasonable in comparison.  
The biggest weakness in cow herds built on EBV or show type selection is often related to lower natural fertility or more difficult calving.    Now is the time to do culling that improves your cow herd to regain maternal traits that optimize reproduction and calving ease, and in selection for new cows, seek longer reproductive life.    

The effect of grazing on financial returns to your land ownership

If you are a cash-crop farmer with cattle “on the side” you are painfully aware of how the runup in corn and soybean prices has run itself back down.    As your cheapest land is what you rent, it may still be profitable to plant row crops in rotation on that land;  but for any land you own, the growing of forages and the grazing of your cattle generates more profit than any “legal” crop.

The math is really quite simple.    If corn is $4.00 per bushel, and you are a good enough farmer to get 200 bushel per acre, you gross $800 per acre on corn, before all the costs.    Those costs are considerable, as you know:  seed, spray, fertilizer, fuel, machinery overhead, land rent…

If you return your “home” fields to grazing, dairy farmers have learned that high energy grasses generate $3000+ per dry matter ton in milk.   You can get 2 to 3 tons dry matter per acre from a grass pasture rotated to keep it vegetative (which means more than two cuttings of hay…)

Producing  quality  forage  for  cattle  within  a  grain  farming  emphasis 

Everyone knows the best corn crop you ever grow, is in that first year after you rip up an old alfalfa stand.     The soil is full of accumulated nitrogen from the nodules on the alfalfa roots.   The years away from row cropping have rebuilt soil structure with organic matter, and those corn root borers and other pests died or moved to other fields.   

You can rotate annual forage crops like Winter Triticale between corn and soybeans, planting as soon as your grain crop is harvested.    Triticale will be ready to harvest as a forage by mid-May (pre-seed heads) and your next corn planting will be timely.     The double crop insertion feeds desired soil biology through the winter, increasing nutrient transport capacity in the grain crop, and inhibits the overwintering of corn borer and other corn-specific pests.

Consider this as your new seeding approach:  Plant a Synergy X blend of alfalfa with a non-oat cover you can harvest green or wilt to bale in the same season.    In the following year, once a year of clear alfalfa has passed, it will be producing root zone nitrogen;  overseed high energy grass blends that will fill in open spaces between the alfalfa rows, and develop maximum tons of hay per acre.    Once the field is half grass, fence it and graze it (maybe you just bale a first cutting and rotate graze the rest of the year).     You can always frost seed red clover and cows will continue to see an optimal energy feed in front of them each season.

Whether you get five years or seven or ten years from this, you will be feeding an optimal feed to a maximum number of animals, while maintaining grain crop production in rotations as well as on your rental lands (which can always benefit from your winter-stored manure).

Why rotate graze?

Dairy farms set up for haylage harvest in Michigan generally get three cuttings in.    Those with dry hay baling systems only got two cuttings this year, most places.     If you push alfalfa into a four-cut season, you generally end up with only a three year stand life.   Nationally, the alfalfa acreage has declined from its peak, as big seed companies (owned by chemical companies!!) make a lot more on chemically-dependent GMO row crops.    However, when it comes to any farm feeding ruminants, the blend of legume alfalfa with high digestible grass is ideal for any momma-cow operation, nutritionally superior to corn silage and a lower cost per acre.

How does rotation make the difference?     We used to get six passes per acre in grazing our cows, by keeping the grasses in a vegetative (pre-seed head) state.    Picking the worst stand for that spring’s “sacrifice lot” (to get the cows outside for the earliest grass), all the other pastures could be cut for first-crop hay, and then rotate their regrowth for the remainder of the season.  
First-cut hay would feed the cows all winter;  the sacrifice lot would get planted to a grazable summer annual (we liked BMR-6 sudangrass) that could produce feed for the six weeks of hot, dry summer when the grass pastures are slowed down and need to regenerate roots. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Breeding for easier calving

Selecting “calving ease” sires only affects birthing of the calf.    It does not provide you cows that will calve easier in the future.    (There is a separate selection trait, called “daughter calving ease” that is a better indicator.)

Given the relatively low levels of heritability for most linear evaluation traits, they are not adequate to the full job of consistently breeding better physiques into the herd.    For this, the qualities identified in your herd (and in AI sires) by the “aAa” breeding guide are more reliable (and more directly related to function).    

How many genetic characteristics affect calving ease?    Open this newsletter and find out.    As with all aspects of biology, there are multiple gene factors and there is the over-riding epigenetic effect from the nutritional environment you created for your herd.    It is a manageable situation regardless of your breeds.

If you still have questions after reading this, ask us.    We are here to be helpful.

Mich Livestock Service, Inc    ***     “For the Best in Bulls”   and   “High Energy forages”
Ovid,  Michigan        phone (989) 834- 2661          email  “”

Monday, February 3, 2025

Understanding “calving ease” (differences in breeds and in crossbreeding)


CONCEPTIONS  Dairy route newsletter                    Nov Dec 2024

Mark Curry   
  (989) 984- 7027     Route services and sales / Ov Synch AI by appointment

Sue Palen         (989) 277- 0480     Office manager, product sales

Greg Palen       (989) 277- 6031     “aAa” Breeding Guide / certified forage seed specialist

Mich Livestock Service, Inc         “For the Best in Bulls   and   High Energy forages”
110 N Main St   (PO Box 661)    Ovid,  MI  48866       ***       phone (989) 834- 2661
email:          website: 


Why is it mostly in the Holstein breed that we collect data on calving difficulty?    The only way to explain it is to compare with other breeds, and then to suggest the impacts of indexing as it culled some bloodlines while multiplying others.

Comparing familiar breeds.    Holsteins and Brown Swiss have the largest frames, also had the longest length of gestation (time a cow carries the calf before birth).    Historically, Brown Swiss cows carry calves 288 days;  a Holstein cow 283 days;  a Jersey cow 276 Days.   For Jersey calves, they tend to be born at 5%  of mother’s mature size.   Thus they will weigh around 50# when born (1000# mature size  x  5%:  With 800# first calf heifers a 50# calf is not an issue).   Beyond the shorter gestation (fewer days gaining weight inside the cow) Jersey calves also have little to no fat reserve at birth  (their mothers provide it from higher butterfat% milk after birth) (Jersey island has a very mild climate, so native Jerseys did not require extra energy in winter at birth).

Smaller frame size breeds (Jersey, Guernsey, Dutch Belted) tend to reach puberty earlier, and also physically mature a year quicker than large frame breeds:  thus the first calf heifer is more ready to have a calf at a younger age (many Jerseys calve successfully prior to two years of age).

Holsteins, in contrast, tend to be born at 7% of mother’s mature size.    Thus they would weigh around 100# when born (1500# mature size  x 7%;  with 1200# first calf  heifers a 100# calf can be an issue).     As in all breeds, most of the calf weight growth comes in the third trimester, so rations need to avoid being high energy to control calf size.  Holstein calves will be born with a significant body fat reserve (their origin in northern Europe by the North Sea meant adaptation to cold weather climates, calves could stay warmer from metabolizing the body fat).     Holsteins traditionally were slower to mature physically (mature cows usually 30% larger than first calving heifers) so it was safer to breed them to calve their first time after two years old.

Why do Brown Swiss avoid calving issues in spite of longer gestation?   They may be the oldest “pure” breed that came to America.    Originating in Alpine mountain valleys, developed totally on grass for centuries, calving unassisted, culled out hard calving lines before they came here.

How does CDCI calculate “calving ease” today?

Geneticists are in essence mathematicians (data crunchers), not biologists (good at observing behavior and seeking causes for effects).    They were never happy with the “original” calving ease data, because it depended on herdsman observation  (did she calve by herself easily?  Or did she calve safely with mild assistance?  Or was she going to die calving without assistance?)

The first enhancement to farmer observation was to calculate Stillbirth rates.   If a calf is born dead, they assume she had a “hard calving”.    There were many “calving ease” bulls (I recall “Morty” and “BW Marshall”) who lost their calving ease designation with this change.   More importantly, they learned that calf livability was genetically influenced.

The next (and equally important) enhancement was the realization that  Gestation length  was genetically influenced too.   Shorter gestation became used to enhance calving ease (geneticists preferring a “statistic” over “observation”) and is now a big part of the calculation.

At this point, the hubris of CDCI (Council for Dairy Cattle Improvement, which took over from AIPL- USDA Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory with the introduction of Genomics) says “we have solved calving ease”.     According to the data trends,  average difficult births fell from 8.6% (pre genomic) to 2.3% …  Genomic procedures have “identified the genes for calving ease”.

A word about CDCI  (an uneasy partnership between purebred breed associations and invested AI bull studs focusing on Genomic selection)  -- their calculations for DPR  (daughter pregnancy rate)  do not sort between “natural” conceptions and “OvSynch” conceptions.    Likewise their calculations of “calving difficulty” do not sort between gender-selected calves and conventional semen calves; but in herds that participate in DHIA data collection, “OvSynch” reproduction and using “sexed” semen on virgin heifers is the “norm”….   

Feeding for easier calving

What you feed your heifers in the third trimester (last three months of gestation) when 75% of the calf growth occurs  in utero  has a big influence on  birth weights and thus calving difficulty.   That calf is growing 2+ pounds per day in the last two weeks prior to birth.    High starch energy TMRs (higher in corn, oilseeds, commodity energy sources to force size into younger heifers) are going to produce larger calves than you will get from heifers grown out on high forage diets.

For crossbreeders, if you are using any breed that originated in a region (like France?) where it is not customary to feed corn and soybeans, you might get calves 40% heavier from a corn based TMR than a forage based feed regimen;  you may also see excessive fat deposits in their udders as well as within the pelvis, making calving and then rebreeding more difficult.    It required two decade of genetic selection to produce Holsteins and Jerseys in the USA that could eat corn and oilseed-based rations and make milk, instead of getting fat OR sick…  the linear trait system that CDCI champions was first designed to identify the physical cow that would make milk from corn.

Genetic selection affecting calving ease

Holstein USA released a study several years ago indicating that the breed average Stature was increasing at a rate of 2 inches per generation.    Why would this happen?    Before Genomics was introduced, the “TPI” selection index favored Stature in type classification, and was more focused on PTA Milk yield than the “Net Merit” index (focused on PTA Butterfat and Protein).

Because PTA milk yields were in “Mature Equivalent” rather than actual yield volumes, this was giving an advantage to the faster maturing sire lines.     These tend to have Tall features  (within “aAa” observation), a quality gene-linked to the production of “growth hormone”.    Once we had DNA testing, and Genomic indexing put higher weights on “health and fitness” traits, these sires tend to have Strong features (within “aAa” observation).    The combined direction for the two qualities mentioned is to produce larger cows at younger ages (outgrowing older facilities).   

The biggest genetic impact on calf size is (as suggested earlier) mother’s expected mature size.   Without selection in favor of shorter gestation (and low energy density feed in third trimesters) we would generally be seeing larger calves from Holstein heifers;  thus there is risk in breeding Holstein heifers to calve before two years of age.    The general “safety” rule is to wait to breed heifers until they are 55% of their expected mature weight.      Measure your cows to figure it.

Breeding for easier calving

Every breed has difficult calving individuals  (no single breed “insures” calvings will always be easy—although Jerseys come pretty close).    When we approach these cows using the “aAa” breeding guide, we can identify what causes problems and identify the kind of bull that prevents heifers having the same problems.

The “aAa” breeding guide regulates the frame proportions in your cows.   This can really be seen in the pelvic structures of cows produced from “aAa” matings.    At Mark Yeazel’s “Ja Bob” herd dispersal one year ago, a retired sire analyst (serving as a ringman) told me “I can always tell when a dairyman has used “aAa”, their cows will have a correct Rump structure”.     Herds bred for Genomic “Net Merit” are showing tight hips, which narrows rump width regardless of how “Open” the rear skeleton appears.   (Over multiple generations, basing selection purely on Genomic ranking might turn “dairy” cows into beef-framed cows!).    

Basically, after three generations of Genomic selection based on a single selection index without regard to physical mating, your herd will begin to show “inbreeding depression”.    Research into inbreeding lists lost natural fertility, more calving difficulty, and higher stillbirth rates as some of the consequences.    Single trait selection is known to be the true cause of “inbreeding losses”.   Because “aAa” guides you to a “heterosis” physical mating, it is the industry’s most reliable and practical method to avoid “inbreeding depression” effects, including difficult heifer calving.