national beef herd is the smallest it has been in sixty (60) years.
The national dairy herd
is also the smallest it has been in twenty five (25) years.
Meanwhile we have 50% more people to feed than there were here 60 years ago.
All this means that the current, profitable prices for deacon dairy calves and fed beef cattle are likely to remain for quite awhile—long enough to reinvest in your beef cattle side of your total operation.
Producing any farm commodity at a PROFIT requires us to have a good handle on production costs. This helps us survive times of lower prices, as grain farmers currently lament. But it also requires us to think about all possible income streams, and the management of “equity” to produce greater future returns. While your equity in machinery may slowly be rusting away, the equity in your cow and calf herd has risen. You can push that up a bit more.
Livestock Service, Inc *** “For the
Best in Bulls” and
For the Best in forage seeds”
110 N Main St (PO Box 661) Ovid,
MI 48866 phone (989) 834- 2661
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