Monday, May 27, 2024

Breeding for the most milk value insures your future


Is anyone making any money on skim milk these days?     Recent data shows that the consumption of skim milk products continues to fall, while “whole” milk sales have grown.    Likewise, cheese and yogurt have market shares the “experts” did not predict when the Federal Milk Order system and its companion Sire summary formulas were developed.

The best advice in breeding for the future is to resist being hidebound by the system designed for the past.    The cow of the future needs to be adaptable to whatever premium opportunity eventually comes your way.     The beginning tools to create this cow include “aAa” Breeding Guide, polled heads, A2A2 Beta Casein, and AB/BB Kappa Casein, with positive deviations for butterfat % or protein %.     The tools to harvest this yield profitably come from forages that have superiority in rumen digestibility.   Our current sire offerings are compatible with Byron Seeds forage varieties, and the net result is Profit =  greater income without greater cost. 

Skeptical?    Ask for a demonstration.      Talk to Mark:    or     Call  Greg  at (989) 277- 6031
Mich Livestock Service, Inc      “For the Best in Bulls” since 1952.     Forage seeds since 2007.
**  The first AI system in Michigan to offer on-farm nitrogen service to semen tanks, in 1960.

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