Saturday, September 6, 2014

GRAZING CORN that can be baled – the small herd silage substitute

Masters Choice seed corn, in its continuing focus on feeding quality corn varieties, has developed a corn variety that is focused on the grazing management cattle farm--  where the higher feed tonnage per acre of which corn is capable, can be combined with a simpler grazing and baling harvesting option.

“Master Graze” is a multistalk corn that will provide a regrowth of tillers from the root base after the first cutting is grazed or harvested.     Silage baler operators indicate it is easier than baling Sorghum Sudan, as it dries a bit quicker (requires less wilt time), and its feeding value is at silage energy levels but with good grass protein levels, and is almost totally digestible.

We intend to try some at our farm this year, after a success feeding Summer Dream (BMR Sorghum Sudan) in balage form as a silage substitute through this winter season.     After the first cut, we intend to interseed some fast emerging annuals to add tonnage to the second cutting.     

These options can work well for the smaller operator, who depends on custom silage harvesting, but who is already set up (or needs an excuse to get set up) for silage baling and wrapping.     You will not have to fear running out of forage, as is often the case with a dry hay forage system in a drought year.

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