Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Vegetarian bias in climate change agricultural agendas

  As cattlemen, providing an unmatched source of protein in the production of beef, which are able to convert cellulosic plants undigestible to humans thanks to the miraculous rumen, you are unjustly maligned for the production of “greenhouse gases” specifically methane.    While scientific fact will prove that naturally occurring swamps produce vastly more methane than all ruminants (cows, sheep, goats, yaks, water buffalos)—and that a single commercial jet flight is producing more greenhouse gas than an entire herd can produce in a whole year—efforts exist to convince legislators and regulators otherwise.    This “pseudo-science” agenda is originating from two directions – vegan activists and commercial interests promoting the conversion of human diets to soybean, corn and small grain derived plant production.

Now I fully recognize that most of you reading this newsletter may be as invested in grain crop production as you are in livestock.    But unlike the vast prairie acreages (not just here, but also in Brazil -- where thousands of acres of beneficial rainforest have been destroyed to produce soybeans, destabilizing western hemisphere rain patterns-- and in Africa, where herding tribes are being evicted from land for the benefit of billionaires pushing a GMO soybean-based diet) where no meaningful cattle exist, and billions of tons of soil is silted into the Mississippi and Missouri rivers flowing to the ocean deltas as a result of row cropping without seasonal cover crops, the presence of cattle on a grain farm to provide manure and humics to benefit biology and organic structure of the soil, and the periodic rotation of fields into forages between row crop seasons, exerts a stabilizing influence on climate and draws carbon back into the soil as nature designed the fertility cycle of the earth.

It is a good time to brush up on the science of how nature recycles nutrients to insure fertility

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