Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Are your cows working for you, or are you working for your cows?    In fact, do your cows make you work for the feed salesman, the seed salesman, fertilizer and spray salesman, tractor salesman, and farm lending system?

In understand it can be fun to be out riding a tractor (burning up $5.00 per gallon in diesel fuel and making payments to John Deere credit) when the weather is as warm and sunny as we are having --  but if your cows are unable to take some of the work load off you in the spring, summer and fall, you are not making money for your family, just for everyone else.

I understand there are bragging rights in 200-bushel corn and 80-bushel soybeans and the more you spend on them, the closer you get to those milestones.   But if the results of that are not impressing your banker, or your spouse, and if prices to replace all the iron sitting around the farmyard are scaring you, it is time to think over a  different cow-calf strategy, in favor of wholistic land management.

MIch Livestock Service, Inc ---    “For the Best in Bulls”    and fed by     “high energy forages”

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